Public Participation

Working Together

An effective environmental impact assessment (EIA) process includes transparent and thorough communication with interested and/or affected parties.

The National Environmental Management Act, No. 107 of 1998 and associated EIA regulations stipulates that an EIA must include public participation.

Over the Moon believes that transparent and robust stakeholder engagement is crucial to an effective EIA process – it highlights issues that need to be addressed and enables synergy between the environmental, social and economic aspects of a project to facilitate sound environmental management.

These projects are currently available for public participation:

Please register and/or engage in the public participation process in writing via email:   or  fax:   086 619 1412

Contact us using the details on our contact page, should any information appear unavailable, or if you need help with submitting your written comments/queries/suggestions.

Sonlia Fruit Packhouse Proposed Expansion Development

Sonlia Fruit Packhouse proposes to expand their existing operation, including all associated infrastructure, on currently Unregistered Portion 5 of Farm 128, near Wellington, Western Cape.

The pre-application public participation comment/query period has commenced.  Interested and affected parties are invited to register and/or submit comments, queries or concerns in writing on or before 13 December 2022.

Olienhoutskloof S24G Rectification Application

In terms of the National Environmental Management Act, No. 107 of 1998, a A Section 24G rectification application is underway for alleged unlawful commencement or continuation of a listed activity on Olienhoutskloof Farm No. 1226, Durbanville, City of Cape Town Municipality.

The pre-application public participation comment/query period has commenced.  Interested and affected parties are invited to register and/or submit comments, queries or concerns in writing on or before 03 March 2023.

Proposed Citrusdal Public Cemetery

Cederberg Municipality proposes to extend the existing public cemetery on Portion 103 and to develop a new public cemetery on  the rest of Portion 103 as well as on Portion 104 of Portion 60 of the Farm Groot Valley No. 451 near Citrusdal in the Western Cape.

The public participation comment/query period on the draft basic assessment report has commenced.  Interested and affected parties are invited to submit comments, queries or concerns in writing on or  before 14 May 2023. 

Swartland Municipality Protected Areas Management Plan

OTM is proud to be a lead member of the environmental team developing the Swartland Municipality Protected Areas Management Plan (SMPAMP) for areas in Darling, Malmesbury and Yzerfontein.

Various public participation/stakeholder engagement interventions have taken place over the period of two years and the draft SMPAMP is available for viewing only until a public participation process is undertaken prior to finalisation of the document. 

Proposed Chatsworth Filling Station and Business Premises

A basic environmental impact assessment was undertaken for the proposed development of a fuel filling station and business premises on Erf 1071, Chatsworth, Swartland Municipality, Western Cape.

The public participation comment/query period on the draft basic assessment report ended on 25 July 2022.

The final basic assessment report has been submitted to the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning for decision and is now available to the public for viewing only 

You Can Change the way you impact the environment